Spring 2023 - Prehnite and Silver Birch - The website will be open to orders from the 8th - 14th of April

Spring 2023 - Prehnite and Silver Birch - The website will be open to orders from the 8th - 14th of April

Good News!!!

I have finally organised my life enough to set a date for the next opening of the online shop. I will be taking orders from the 8th - 14th of April.

I am adding a new collection to the website, a mixture of Prehnite stones rings and silver birch leaves, earrings and pendants. All the stone jewellery pieces are one-offs and sold as they are, as each stone is unique. But the studs will stay on the site. They will be added to the made-to-order jewellery collection whenever I open the shop.

In the last couple of months, I have turned my life upside down, trying to renovate my house (so it does not fall down). Everything took so much longer than planned, but now I am really cutting it fine getting jewellery made, photos taken and uploaded in time for the new season.

Easter weekend will also be my first event of the season. I am not ready, but I am looking at this as a test event, where I can set up my stall and see what I need to make and do in order to make it better.

1 comment

  • Louise

    Hi, i have a few pieces of your jewelry.
    Im interested in the stone rings
    How do i order?
    Kind regards

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